Take a Wok on the Wild Side!

in the YEAR of the RABBIT!
The Low-carb Cook's NookpresentsA Wok On The Wild Side!

February 3rd is the start of the Chinese New Year, celebrated for 15 days. In honor of the Year of the Rabbit or the Hare, let's take a "Wok" on over to the Low-carb Cook's Nook Chatfor a night of tasty tidbits of all kinds of Oriental foods, from Chinese stir-fries to low-carb Pad Thai to soups,fried "rice" to egg foo yung .

Bring your chopsticks and join FOOD M

agic & F00D Angel on Thursday, January 27th, 4709, 9-11 pm ET at the Lowcarbcooksnook
If you are on AOL, click here: lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic (those are capital o's in FOOD) or F00D Angel (those are zero's in F00D).
If you are on AIM, send yourself a Chat Invitation, to go to the room "lowcarbcooksnook" (without the quotation marks). If you have any difficulty with that, IM Kasparcat, we will lasso you into the room.

Articles about the traditions and events that surround Chinese New Year in China:
Introduction to Chinese New Year
New Year Activity Calendar
Fu Dao Le - A Tradition Explained
Warding Off Unlucky Events with Red Underwear
What's with the Tiger's Forehead?
Gifts to Bring Your Chinese Hosts
The Lantern Festival
Lantern Festival Photo Gallery from Shanghai's festival.
As always, recipes from this chat will be posted at
Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards
For a Lucky and Healthy and Happy New Year, we hope to see you at the Cook's Nook!
~Rani & Laura~FOOD Magic & F00D Angel

If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat, just write to me FOODMagic@aol.com and I'll be glad to add you. :-)

The Low-carb Lunch Bunch

The Low-carb Cook's Nook Presents

You CAN Take It With You!
Or.. What's in YOUR Lunchbox??

Dear Low-Carbers,
First, we tackled what-to-eat-for-breakfast on Low-carbing.

This week, we will talk about what-to-take-to-lunch.

Come to the Low-carb Cook's Nook on Thursday and bring your lunch ideas...
What portable foods to you pack when you go to school or work?

What do you do when you don't have bread to put that filling on?

And what about these LC products?
And what about restaurant lunches??
Tips for what to bring when you'll be travelling by airplane!

If you have kids on LC, whatever do you send in that lunch box every day?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Come join FOOD Magic & F00D Angel and get some new ideas and recipes

for LC lunching and take-with-you foods!

When: Thursday, January 20, 2011, 9-11 pm eastern time

Where: lowcarbcooksnook (instructions below)

Who: FOOD Magic, F00D Angel, and YOU!

Virtual Refreshments will be served!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As always, recipes from this and prior Low Carb Cook's Nook Chats

are posted at Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards

Some other LC lunch recipes at: 10 Great Low Carb Office Lunch Tips - Low Carb

How's your low-carb diet going these days?
Low Carb Diet Mistakes - Correcting Problems on Your Low Carb Diet
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hope to see you at the chat, bring your appetite!Your hosties,

~Rani & Laura~

FOOD Magic & F00D Angel
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat, just write to me FOODMagic@aol.com and I'll be glad to add you. :-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are on AOL, click here: lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic (those are capital o's in FOOD) or F00D Angel (those are zero's in F00D).
If you are on AIM, send yourself a Chat Invitation, to go to the room "lowcarbcooksnook" (without the quotation marks). If you have any difficulty with that, IM Kasparcat, we will lasso you into the room.

Are You A CEREALKiller???

By Request, the Low-carb Cook's Nook Presents This Tasty Topic:
The Breakfast Club!
the ABCs of what to make for breakfast when you're just sick and tired of bacon & eggs.

Join FOOD Magic and F00D Angel on

Thursday, January 13, 2011from 9-11 pm eastern time
at the lowcarbcooksnook (directions below)

breakfast will be served:
You'll FLIP over our pancakes......
get a RISE out of our muffins...
...get BLITZED with our blintzes...

...no WAFFLING over our waffles...

...and make KILLER hot Cereal!(YES, cereal!)
...(get it? "Cereal Killer," LOL!)
And many other breakfast Idea... make-ahead breakfast squares, Bowl Muffins, "Danish" and more!
Here one Low-carber's on-the-road breakfast:
And here is how he makes it: Ricky Spears’ Blog » Blog Archive » Quick and Easy High-Protien Low-Carb Breakfast --

Recipes from this and prior Low-carb Cook's Nook chats will be posted at Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards

Hope to see you at the chat Thursday night...

~Rani & Laura~
FOOD Magic & F00D Angel

If you are on AOL, click here: lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic (those are capital o's in FOOD) or F00D Angel (those are zero's in F00D).
If you are on AIM, send yourself a Chat Invitation, to go to the room "lowcarbcooksnook" (without the quotation marks). If you have any difficulty with that, IM Kasparcat, we will lasso you into the room.
If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat, just write to me FOODMagic@aol.com and I'll be glad to add you. :-)

Got a Resolution? Starting Your Low-carb Diet!

Join us in The Low-carb Cook's Nook

Our New Year's Topic:
Getting Started on Low-carb

(or Re-started, if you got off track over the holidays!)

OK, crack open that book!

Whatever your LC program,It's time to get back on track!

Join us at the Low-carb Cook's Nook Chat for the ABCs!

When: Thursday, Jan. 6th, 2011 9-11pm Eastern Time

Who: FOOD Magic, F00D Angel, & YOU!

If you are on AOL, click here:
lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic or F00D Angel ....If you are on AIM, IM Kasparcat, I will lasso you into the chat!

If your diet of choice is Atkins, there are some nifty freebie tools available at Atkins Tools - Weight Loss Tools - Atkins.com , including a carb-tracker and how-to-menu-plan. While we both embrace the Atkins way of eating, we do advise you to stick to real/whole foods and avoid low-carb "products" (including the Atkins stuff) during Induction.

Can't make it to the Low-carb Cook's Nook Chat?

~Rani & Laura~

FOOD Magic & F00D Angel

If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat, just write to me FOODMagic@aol.com and I'll be glad to add you. :-)