The Frugal Low-carber

The Low-carb Cook's Nook Presents...
The Frugal Low-carber

Dear Low-carbers.

The cost of food has REALLY skyrocketed in the last few years, partly due to rising fuel costs. And now we don't have rice and beans and
macaroni-and-cheese to stretch the budget anymore.

What is a low-carber to DO?
We know it's not all steak and shrimp and bacon...
But there's a limit to what you can do with hamburger meat, canned tuna, and chicken quarters.
Or is there??

Join us this week for tips and shopping ideas,
as well as recipes for low-carbing on a shoestring! Magic is on the East Coast and Angel is on the West Coast and we have chatters everywhere between and more... the more people who come to this chat, the better we will be able to help each other with tips on where to find the best bargains.

When: Thursday, July 29th, 2010, 9-11 pm EDT
Where: lowcarbcooksnook
Who: FOOD Magic, F00D Angel, and YOU!


If you are on AOL, IM FOOD Magic (those are capital o's in FOOD) or F00D Angel (those are zero's in F00D).

If you are on AIM, send yourself a Chat Invitation to go to the room "lowcarbcooksnook" (without the quotation marks). If you have any difficulty with that, IM Kasparcat, we will lasso you into the room.

If you can't make it this week, we'll miss you, but don't worry...

just check on our message board!

Here's where I post the recipes after the chat:

Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards

Remember this: The best bargain of Low-carbing is your good health, so buying the cheapest food isn't always the most Frugal choice.

~Rani & Laura~
FOOD Magic & F00D Angel


If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat
invitations to this chat, just write to me
and I'll be glad to add you. :-)


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