It's Superbowl Sunday!
Can You Score

Planning a Super Bowl Party? Can you pick the WINNER?

What to make that's tasty AND low-carb ??

Come join FOOD Magic & F00D Angel ... come share and swap new ideas and recipes,

Bring your favorites to share and compare!'

When: Thursday, February 4th, 2010, 9-11 pm eastern time

Who: FOOD Magic, F00D Angel, and YOU!

Virtual Refreshments will be served!

If you are on AOL, click here: lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic (those are capital o's in FOOD) or F00D Angel (those are zero's in F00D).
If you are on AIM, send yourself a Chat Invitation, to go to the room "lowcarbcooksnook" (without the quotation marks). If you have any difficulty with that, IM Kasparcat, we will lasso you into the room.

If you aren't on AOL, you will need AIM to get into the chat. You can download it free from

Stand and CHEER for this nifty Low-carbing SuperBowl article:
Kicking the Super Bowl carbs

Hope to see you at the chat!

Your hosties,
~ Rani & Laura~
FOOD Magic & F00DAngel

If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat,
just write to me and I'll be glad to add you. :-)

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