What a Well-Bread Low-carber is Eating!

The Low-Carb Cook's Nook Presents...
What a Well-BREAD Low-carber Eats!What is the most common answer to this question:"I love this diet, but I really miss _____"?The answer is "BREAD."No matter how you slice it,regular bread just isn't part of the LC way of eating.Isn't that crumby?So don't loaf about...Get your buns over to the lowcarbcooksnook for our chat topic, Low-carb bread ALTERNATIVES! We'll talk about LC bread products on the market, as well as make-it-yourself alternatives including bread machine recipes, muffins, tortillas, dumplings, biscuits, cornbread, quickbreads and more.No, it doesn't go against the grain.So let's rock and roll!

When? Thursday, June 9th, 2011, 9-11 pm EDTWhere? lowcarbcooksnook Who? FOOD Magic, F00D Angel, and YOU!

If you are on AOL, click here: lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic
If you are on AIM, IM Kasparcat, and I will lasso you into the chat!

Looking for the recipes from this and prior Low-carb Cook's Nook Chats?You knead to check out
Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards
Hope to see you there!

~ Rani & Laura~
FOOD Magic & F00D Angel

If you want to receive these nifty chat announcements in your own emailbox, just write to FOODMagic@aol.com and ask to be added to the list.

A Saucy Chat!

The Low-carb Cook's Nook


A Saucy Little Chat!

The basics of our diet are pretty simple: meats, eggs, veggies, nuts, low-GI fruits, and low-carb dairy, right?We call it our WOE or WOL, Way of Eating/Way of Life.
Well, for many of us, plain old chicken or fish or beef or pork can get boring after a while.
Take a peek at this week's topic: sauces, gravies, and toppings. What can we do to perk up our meals without carbing them up? We will discuss ways and products for making and thickening gravies, recipes and food combinations that might be new to you: the tricks of getting saucy in your Low-carb Cookery!

When: Thursday, June 2, 2011, 9-11pm EDT

Who: F00D Angel, FOOD Magic and YOU!

As always, the recipes from this and prior Low-carb Cook's Nook chats will be posted at Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards
http://messageboards.aol.com/aol/en_us/articles.php?boardId=495619&func=3&channel=US+FoodPlease join us at the chat on Thursday!Bring your favorite recipes to share, or just come to learn. ~Rani & Laura~
FOOD Magic & F00D Angel

"On a Windows machine: Go to the Buddies List window and select AIM. Choose CHAT, then BUDDY CHAT and fill in your target screen name(s), chat room name "lowcarbcooksnook" and click SEND." "On a Mac -- Go to the iChat toolbar and from FILE, choose GO TO CHAT ROOM. Make sure you have selected the correct target account, fill in "lowcarbcooksnook" and click GO."

If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat, just write to me FOODMagic@aol.com & I'll be glad to add you. :-)