Come Get CROCKED With Us!

No, it's not about "adult beverages"!!
No, it's not about cookin' gator, 'possum, 'n' crocs!!
It's the OTHER kind of getting CROCKED!!
in the Low-carb Cook's Nook!
Get out your crock-pot or slow-cooker and let's get cookin'!
Come join FOOD Magic & F00D Angelon Thursday, February 24th, 2010from 9-11 pm eastern timeat the LowCarbCooksNook
If you are on AOL, click here: lowcarbcooksnook or IM FOOD Magic (those are letter-O's in FOOD) or F00D Angel (those are zero's in F00D).
If you are on AIM, IM Kasparcat, and I will Invite you into the chat!
Looking for a way to use whatever's in your fridge?
No BEEFin' about it... don't be CHICKEN... no (MEAT)LOAFin' around... get EGGS-zactly the slow-cooked recipes you want, and I won't PORK fun at you about it! The slow-cooker just might be the TOOL you need to perk up your low-carb menu!
Recipes from this and prior Low-carb Cook's Nook chats will be posted at Low-Carb Cook's Nook - AOL Message Boards

Friend us on Facebook... "Low-Carb Cook's Nook"!

Hope to see you at the chat!
~Rani & Laura~

FOOD Magic & F00D Angel

If you aren't yet on the mailing list to receive weekly chat invitations to this chat, just write to me and I'll be glad to add you. :-)

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